Thursday, February 24, 2011

The day of the Lord

1 thessalonians 5:1-2 "Now brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night."

- Yes today was a day of breakthrough. Because for the first time, all of my Christian classmates gathered for a fellowship. Everybody shared how they were changed by the power of God. I could say that the sharing was very intimate annd intense to a point that most of us wants to share more about what everyone feel. And i was also happy that there were revelations and healthy confrontations that led to settling some issues within them! WEEE it is so heart warming. Now regarding the word that God imparted me today. Many people really question when will the judgement day be? I was so blessed that God guided me to this verse because it clearly states that although we do not know the actual date, but we know that it will come. It is a good comparison to the thief at night. You know, in my experience, we have been robbed in our house and I could say that we where not expecting it because we where caught off gaurd. So propably the judgement day will come in the least that we expect it. We really don't need to know the actual date or year, what's important is that we received Jesus in our life and we dont have to worry about anything. :)) God bless

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